Walk With The Allure Group in the 2018 Parkinson’s Unity Walk
April 11, 2018
To walk with us, click here. | To donate to the cause, click here.
The Allure Group’s mission is entirely centered around their patients and their patients’ families. Working with such a diverse range of patients has inspired a variety of services, programs, and events across The Allure Group’s centers. In honor of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, The Allure Group is excited to announce that they have put a team together to participate in the Parkinson’s Unity Walk. This event will be held in New York’s Central Park on April 28th, 2018.
The Allure Group serves many patients and families through their neurological rehabilitation program, “Minds in Motion.” Parkinson’s and other severe neurological disorders like MS and ALS are incurable, but research-backed advancements in treatment are crucial to fighting these disorders. The Allure Group’s “Minds in Motion” program works to improve the quality of life for their patients. The patients and families involved in their program were The Allure Group’s inspiration for participating in this important walk.
The 2018 Parkinson’s Unity Walk raises awareness not only for the disorder, but for the needs of patients across the United States. There are over one million people in the U.S. currently living with Parkinson’s, and 60,000 more are diagnosed each year. Parkinson’s is the second-most common neurological disorder, right behind Alzheimer’s.
The Parkinson’s Unity Walk is open to the public and those interested are encouraged to join The Allure Group team in walking for this great cause. If you are unable to walk, you can support The Allure Group by making a donation in your name instead. Walkers and donors will be presented with Team Allure t-shirts and, leading up to the walk, The Allure Group will also be holding raffles across each one of their centers to help raise additional funds for Parkinson’s research.
The Allure Group imagines a future free of Parkinson’s disease, but currently treatment options are limited to helping to manage symptoms rather than cure them. Every person who walks in or donates to the 2018 Parkinson’s Unity Walk supports the cause and cure for Parkinson’s!