Case Studies

Crown Heights Center’s Healthcare Heroes

Crown Heights Center’s Healthcare Heroes

Thank you to New York CaribNews for featuring two of our very own healthcare heroes at Crown Heights Center. Marsha and Brenda’s heartwarming story shows the parallel journey taken in leading a life of service to others. We thank you for your dedication to the Crown Heights community!

American Heart Awareness Month Honoree

American Heart Awareness Month Honoree

It’s time to celebrate our American Heart Month Honoree! Please join us in congratulating another difference maker in the world of cardiology, Dr. Kris-Angelo Natividad, at Maimonides Medical Center. We wish him all the best on his fight for better heart health and awareness. You can read all about his journey and accomplishments below!

McKnight’s Women of Distinction Award

McKnight’s Women of Distinction Award

Just announced, COO of The Allure Group, Melissa Powell, as Hall of Honor Honoree in this year’s McKnight’s Women of Distinction! So well deserved, congratulations!

Innovation Contagion: How Cutting-Edge Processes Spread in Healthcare

Innovation in any industry, especially technology, is led by visionaries who have to push ahead while also maintaining a balance with business needs. Innovation benefits companies, individuals, and society, but it isn’t always perceived as such. It’s important to recognize that when creating new products or developing new ideas, when one area advances, everyone can…